Experience new worlds

Don’t just play. Live the game.

From the moment you slip on PlayStation VR, the new Virtual Reality system for PlayStation 4, you’ll experience games in an entirely new way. You’ll be at the centre of the action, living every detail of extraordinary new worlds – and you’ll feel like you’re actually inside the game.

Sony’s Project Morpheus is Now the Playstation VR


The consumer virtual reality revolution is still set for the first quarter of 2016, and Sony is gearing up for the coming storm. The Japanese company is planning on unveiling a range of demos of their virtual reality headset and its accompanying games at the Tokyo Game Show, which begins today, September 17th (at the time of writing this). 

To generate even more excitement for the upcoming virtual reality era, Sony has now announced that a fan favorite game will be one of the virtual reality titles – and that the company’s VR headset will be getting a name change.

It’s a change that makes their headset sound less like a cyberpunk thriller and more like a consumer product—what was once Project Morpheus is now the Playstation VR, Ars Technica reports. The name change coincides with announcements of the games to be demoed at the Tokyo Game Show: among them are the rhythm game Hatsune Miku, the high school murder fantasyDaganronpa VR, the even creepier Summer Lesson, and most surprisingly, Final Fantasy XIV.

The big news here is that Sony is stepping up to the VR plate by releasing Final Fantasy XIV as a Playstation VR title. At the moment it’s unknown what aspects of the game will be virtual reality, but Square Enix’s MMORPG is certainly one of the highest profile titles of the “first wave” of next generation VR games. We expect Sony to release more details in the near future.

Other than the name change and this short list of VR titles, not much is known about the Playstation VR. But even though we have yet to learn Sony’s price point for their VR headset—word on the street is that it’ll cost somewhere around “several” hundred American dollars—the Playstation VR is believed to be a leaner product than its competitors, HTC/Valve’s Vive and Oculus VR’s Rift. Sony’s release of a popular MMORPG for the Playstation VR is another step toward increasing their headset’s accessibility.

Of course, it would also be nice if marquis titles like Star Wars Battlefront received the virtual reality treatment. We’ll let you know more as coverage of this week’s Tokyo Game Show emerges, now that the event is getting underway.
The Playstation VR is set for release during the first half of 2016.

